Thursday, October 25, 2012

Loss Of Moral values In kaliyuga

On being asked by Yudhisthira about the life-style of people in Kaliyuga, sage Vyas replied-- 'There will be a widespread prevalence of sinful deeds and lack of moral values in Kaliyuga. People would become untruthful and would become critical of revered sages. Moral values would decline to such an extent their minds would be preoccupied by nothing else but the thought of sex. In Kaliyuga women will feel most insecure and even her near and dear ones would become untrustworthy - men belonging to their own gotras would try to exploit her. Brahmins would be criticized because of their inappropriate conduct- They would become arrogant, would start trading their knowledge and would not follow the teachings of the Vedas.

Similarly, Kshatriyas would become cowards and a mere reference of battle would be enough to scare them. Majority of people would indulge in immoral deeds like gambling and consume variety of intoxication. They would always look out for an opportunity to grab other's wealth by deceitful means. Married women would not fulfill their obligation towards their husbands. Cows would give lesser milk and trees would bear fewer fruits. Young girls would become pregnant at the raw age of eleven years. Brahmins, by their conduct would undermine the importance of holy places and would indulge in excessive eating and drinking. In Kaliyuga, people would not give any importance to caste system. Kings would loose their kingdoms and Mlechhas would become the rulers. Treachery, enemity and disrespect towards elders would become the norms of the day.


  1. "In Kaliyuga, people would not give any importance to caste system."

    Here we see the Concept of Cast system instilled into brahmanic religion right at an earlier time, even by Veda Vyasa.
    No Wonder Budha, Basavaraya etc. Ignored Vedas or any scriptures which view humans with prejudice or bias.

    If Vyasa is enlightened then he would have seen God in everything, even humans considered untouchables.
    His works like many others like him, is not words of god but interpretation done on about on perceived divinity.
    In short his work is his personal opinion, which could be fact, fiction or a telephone directory. or a mix of all the above.

    I believe the ultimate goal through Hinduism is to understand 'Sanadana Dharma'. and reaching it requires no knowledge of scriptures or Vedas.(as stated by many enlightened souls, including Ramana Maharishi) but only awareness of godliness in oneself and helping to bring about divinity in others.

  2. varnashrama dharma is different from the modern day caste system .todays caste system is completely birth based .but varnashrama dharma is quality based ,depending on our level of inclination as per our nature .and more over veda vyasa was incarnation of lord narayana himself .so plz dont doubt ,instead guide yourself with proper authorities .
